Master of His Financial Wellbeing
Money smart = work smart
What is
A Technology Platform
PerkUp allows large employers to seamlessly connect with nonprofit partners to provide a financial safety net for employees.
A Coaching Program
Workers log into PerkUp’s online platform to access financial literacy and 1-on-1 financial coaching, innovative savings products, emergency cash grants and free emergency loans
A Partnership with a Mission
Emergency cash grants and free emergency loans are made available to employees by their employer and a collaboration of mission-aligned nonprofit partners.
Financial Stability
Whether your employees earn $8 an hour or $28 an hour, the cost of life’s basic necessities makes it difficult for employees to save money. And the next financial emergency is right around the corner. It’s our mission to ensure that emergency funds are available for every employee who is faced with the shock of an unexpected emergency expense. Funding for emergency expenses is linked to innovative savings programs to encourage workers to save up for the next emergency.

Employee Satisfaction
We know financial stress takes its toll on employee productivity, so we use behavioral finance techniques and incentives to engage employees and strengthen their financial health. Studies show that most workers are ill-prepared for an emergency expense, so PerkUp’s platform connects employers with mission-aligned partners to provide a financial safety net that gives employees peace of mind.

Financial Awareness
If your employees don’t engage in the company’s financial health program, does it even exist? (if a tree falls in the forest...). Employee engagement is the cornerstone of PerkUp’s financial health program. Employees are rewarded every month with cash and prizes for actively improving their financial health and saving money. PerkUp has accomplished monthly employee engagement rates of at least 50% with each of its corporate partners.

Not sold yet? Learn more about our benefits.
PerkUp Financial Health partners with non-profits, tech companies, credit unions, financial leaders, and city organizations to design (and test!) behavioral interventions and products to increase financial well-being for our members.
Our Mission in Action
1,200 New Orleans Hospitality Workers Receive Cash Grants and Financial Coaching
PerkUp and Neighborhood Trust team up to provide immediate cash relief, ongoing support to hospitality workers facing economic hardship during the pandemic.
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