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Financial Wellness: The Newest Workplace Trend

Financial wellness programs and money management training is coming to more and more businesses as the 2017 workplace trend.  This year it is important for employers and employees to take advantage of these new financial wellness programs because they have great benefits and big payoffs.

Multiple surveys show that the majority of workers are stressed over their finances making them less productive, more distracted at work and more likely to have health problems.

As a result, employers are starting to focus on the financial well-being of workers. Programs addressing financial issues are greatly improving productivity, engagement, and success in employees. These programs inform and assist employees in personal finance challenges, debt reduction, asset management and saving for current and future needs.  Along with financial wellness, educating employees about 401(k) plans allows them to create budgets and realize what they need to do in order to retire.

Employers with concerns for the well-being of their employees need to look into financial wellness and education programs, not only because of the impact on employees but also for the overall improvement of the company.